The Blind Spot

Despite clear proof that Inter-Alpha Group of Bankers influence destroyed from within the great civilizations of Egypt, Greece, France, Russia and Germany, citizens of the United States remain essentially blind to this same catastrophic threat that has prostituted their own government and is about to eviscerate their own country.

Now totally controlled by the Inter-Alpha Bankers, the world perpetually teeters on the brink of war while governments poison their own people, trying to pay off shrewd debts that never really end to their banker overlords on Wall Street and in the City of London.

The American collective mind is hopelessly deluded by Inter-Alpha Group education, Inter-Alpha Group media, and politicians owned by the Inter-Alpha Group of Banks, all eager to fund projects for Inter-Alpha and build more conclaves in the Third World at the expense of now impoverished Americans, who have been deliberately made sick by Inter-Alpha medicine and entertainment.

Americans can’t — or the media won’t let them — see the continuing crimes of the International Bankers on Wall Street stealing our money by the trillions, International Bankers in the White House provoking foreign wars that don’t benefit America, and bankers controlling the business world with poisonous products in concert with drugs they invent to cure the diseases they’ve created.

Yet when you try to discuss the obvious pink elephant in the living room of the world, most people cringe and don’t want to talk about it, probably not realizing that, at this point, talking about this is the only way they have even a remote shot at saving their lives, their liberty and freedom of thought having been completely revoked in the autumn of 2001.

I am honored to have some highly intelligent friends and associates whose acumen in their fields dwarfs my dilletantish generalized tourist credentials in a broad spectrum of subjects pertaining to the human condition.  One item that almost always comes up in our conversations is this.

How can it possibly be that…in a world full of incredible leaps in knowledge and new levels of understanding in virtually every area of science and technology…the brightest minds have no clue about the real power structure of the world, even though it’s obvious and paraded daily right before their eyes?

How can people not see?

The world that unfolds before our eyes is scripted from cradle to grave to conceal the real operators of the system, the bloated moneycrunchers behind the bankers and behind the politicians we get to vote for when they are selected for us by this same process.

The information we ingest is created as carefully as that newspaper story that says all is well and tells you nothing about what it is really pretending to talk about.

The skills we learn pertain only to our money-making ability, and the ethics and morals of the crafts we master are reduced to questionable production methods in our headlong dash to the bottom line.

The entertainments we pursue are crafted by spinmasters according to the corporate principle of gradually poisoning by any and all means necessary all those who oppose the insane Inter-Alpha monolith, the beast in control of all the arms in the world.

This is the question my friends and associates most often ask.  What is it that makes the Inter-Alpha threat, which has plagued the world since civilization first congealed into villages, so invisible to those who are its victims?  Is this a willing blindness, or is it inculcated?

What makes it so acceptable to those who take its paychecks even though they know the yacht they’re piloting and the coke they’re snorting was purchased at the expense of Congolese cannon fodder and Afghan practice targets, human beings gunned down for sport, collateral damage in the Homeland Security League, just a paycheck for those with the right credentials?

What makes it so mind-deadening to folks reading along at home is that there is no glimmer of hope in any direction, only the creeping mindlock of acceptable thought spreading like an ink stain through the world mind, dripping on innocent, sneezing bystanders the poisonous chemtrails which make you sick and keep you sick.

And still people are afraid to say anything.  You’ll lose your job, if you still have one.  And your friends, the ones who like to keep quiet, don’t want to be around you anymore for fear some authority will want to know who you’ve been associating with.

This is the dark shadow coming at you out of your blind spot.  You’ve done your best to ignore it all your life, but you can’t afford not to look at it anymore.

What we have chosen not to see is the puppet masters who jangle our strings, the educators who twist our minds against our own country, the musicians who fail to sing the truth because it will keep them off the stage, the movie makers who plant the seeds of poisonous products in our minds, and the writers and reporters who can only tell so much of the truth they know before their paychecks start going in the wrong direction.

What we have chosen not to see is the shadow of control which has dogged America since its creation, always with the same culprit at the controls, big money bankers buying politicians who make laws guaranteeing the financial fraud that makes them rich and us poor.

What we have chosen not to see is the very fiber of thought processes has been manipulated and mutated by Freud, Marx and Einstein into a nihilistic matrix of chaotic destabilization and sabotage, which derives from the core teachings of the Globalist Theism.

The world doesn’t have to be this way.  And yet the men with the guns say it does.

Now you can’t find the Inter-Alpha Group’s pamphlets and written agenda at your local drugstore.  Inter-Alpha globalist bankers try to hide their agenda from everyone, because it’s so horrible, if everybody in the world realized what is actually in their pamphlets, bankers wouldn’t be safe anywhere.  And ironically, if that situation arose, everybody else would be safe–or at least safer than they are now–everywhere.

And that’s why they call it a blind spot.

About journeyman84

I created this blog to discuss recent political and cultural events taking place within society. This page will also contain other topics and issues from time to time. Any posts NOT originally written or created by me will be properly referenced by source(s) and hyperlinked appropriately. Please feel free to subscribe and leave comments, even if your comments contain constructive criticism. I always appreciate advice and opinions from viewers like you. Enjoy!
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